Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What College Athletics is All About

I'm proud of UGA's basketball team. Sure, I'd like to have more wins. Hope that we get them soon.

But in my heart of hearts, I'd be dissatisfied with a winning team full of guys who have little to offer other than their jumpshot. There's a pride that comes from winning, but there is a bigger, longer lasting pride in being associated with something great.

Corey Butler is Georgia's starting 2-guard. I've written about his background before. He can really play the game. He's lifted weights enough to be able to defend the other team's toughest player. He can snare rebounds in traffic.

There are other basketball players that are more reliable shooters. Guys who have more developed skill sets. But at the end of the day, I'm glad that Corey is on our side.

I don't know if he'll cure cancer. I am sure, however, that he and his story are a good tonic for fan cynicism about college athletics. Great job, Corey.


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